Sunday, May 18, 2014

Top 5 Early Development Tips

We all want to see our babies thrive. Here's how!

1. Use every moment as a teaching moment.

For example, when you're driving point out signs and name the shape and color of it. When you are out call different colored, shaped, sized, and textured objects to your child's attention and name the objects.  Ask your child to repeat it. Constantly help your child discover and don't limit your teachings because you think they won't understand! As children learn, their brains grow. Though babies are born with all of the brain cells they will ever have, they are not all connected. Brain cells connections are made when a child has experiences. They will learn whatever they are exposed to so expose them to all things good and intellectual!

2. Repitition!!! Repeat! Repeat! Repeat!

We've all seen the phenomenon "Your Baby Can Read" and are amazed to see 6 month olds reading real words right? Well their technique is quite simple. It's a series of videos, books, and flash cards showing pictures and naming them, then using the object in a sentence. It actually works! We can use this method with everything! Take advantage of this time while your child's brain cells are rapidly connecting. You can buy or make flash cards, read them books constantly and those times you do let them watch TV, have them watch things with substance! My favorite TV time go to's for my toddler are BusyBeavers and KidsTV123 channels on YouTube.

3. Positive reinforcement.

One of the most important yet least acknowleged parts parenting of is acting. We must channel our inner Clair Huxtable, Mary Poppins, Nanny McPhee, Mrs. Doubtfire, or whoever best suits your personality. There will be days when you're not necessarily as enthused about your toddler proudly showing you his eyes, nose and teeth for the two hundredth time but it's imperative that we act just as excited as the first time! When they do this they are seeking positive reinforcement. Your positive reinforcement will remind your child that they're doing something right- something AMAZING by learning and displaying their knowledge. Keep up your enthusiasm and your child will keep up their enthusiasm to learn! When your child shows you they have learned something new, give them an uproar of praise. Then when they show you that they remember that new thing, tell them how amazing they are EVERY TIME! Give hugs and kisses, high fives, a pat on the back, or some type of physical display of admiration as a reward.

4. Read morning noon and night!

Reading to your children should be one of the best experiences for both you and your child. This gives you and your children a chance to be animated and use your imaginations. When you read exaggerate your body language, facial expressions, and voice inflection to make it fun. This also helps their language develop. Ask questions about the subject on the page even if your child is not talking yet. Constantly provoking your child to think will, again, get the brain cells connecting and create experiences that will feed their intellect.

5. Paraphrase! 

When your baby does begin to speak, repeat their words and sentences and say them correctly and/ or in another way. Tell them "That's right!" when they say something correctly. Bounce back and forth with them with different ways of saying that sentence or phrase to expand their vocabulary. For example: when baby says "We're home!" you can reaffirm by repeating exactly what they said then say it in a different way like "We're back!" "We've made it to our residence!" Yes, that may seem like a little much but do not limit your vocabulary because you think your child won't understand. They learn what they're exposed to!

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