Friday, June 24, 2016

Teaching our Children John 10:34

We all want to see our children achieve their highest potential academically right? That's what most of us focus on. But how many of us focus on seeing our children reach their highest potential of emotional stability and unconditional love for themselves and the world around them? How many of us focus on guiding our children to their highest spiritual and health potential? How many of us focus on guiding our children to know their supernatural/ miraculous powers? That they CAN in fact move a mountain if they want to and they believed? (Who built Stonehenge?) That their lives are a manifestation of the love or lack there of in their soul? (As within, so without) Did you know that if we focus on their emotional stability, their confidence will increase and their grades will follow suit? Did you know that if we teach children how to tap into the spiritual realm they can access the akashic records and intuitively pass every test they take without ever learning about a subject? Did you know that if we exercise our children's pineal gland/ third eye that they have greater access to the Holy Spirit? And with a properly functioning pineal gland, our children can hear and communicate telepathically, can ride their bike in traffic blindfolded and can have visions and dreams that tell them important information and warn them of things to come? Did you know that if we guide our children into living in the heart space of unconditional love, they can heal the sick and raise the dead from the electromagnetic field on their heart? The smoke and mirrors of the pains of life have made us seek the self gratification of all these other superfluous things and have made us forget about our true potential. In many cases, the religious world has created a hierarchy of the "people with gifts" as if we ALL don't have access to these gifts. If we revert our focus back to what's important, we DO have all of these gifts within us, as GOD is in each and every one of us!!! Our children can prophecy and CREATE! They can have psychic abilities and talk to and walk with God! But it's up to us to remind them of their divinity!!!  We come out of the womb divine and powerful and highly intuitive. (John 10:34) A lot of us want to see our children graduate with a degree and lead a successful career just so that we can use them as a show pony but haven't invested in their emotions, spirituality, nor physical and mental health. What are your motives with your children? We all want the best for them but what's your reason behind that? Do you want people to witness your grandeur vicariously through your children? Our motives with our children come from an innocently programmed place BUT we must become aware of them and keep our motives in check!!! "...highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.” 2 Timothy‬ ‭3:4-5‬ ‭KJV‬‬ #SeekTheLoveOfGod #SeekThePowerHeGaveYOU #TeachItToOurChildren

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